Catching the Impossible - 1
By: Bernard Cribbins & Martin Bowler
Price: £28.00
Anglers are a lucky bunch and Bernard Cribbins, Martin Bowler and Hugh Miles have been luckier than most because they have spent the last four and a half years making a series of nine films on the joys of angling called 'Catching the Impossible'.
In this celebration of the freshwater world Bernard Cribbins joins Martin Bowler in a journey of discovery around Britain. Revealing an underwater world of monsters and great beauty Bernard, Martin and a galaxy of eccentric friends try to catch these 'impossible' sized fish ... and succeed.
This first DVD, featuring parts 1 - 3 covers:
SEARCHING FOR GOLD - where Bernard and Martin show us how childhood adventures exploring the freshwater world can lead to an 'impossible' barbel
MAGIC CIRCLES - all forms of angling create a kind of magic when we're by the waterside regardless of age, gender or race. Everyone can enjoy fly fishing, match fishing or specimen hunting and also catch some great fish along the way.
A SUMMER IDYLL Summer is a fantastic season, the world is alive, particularly underwater, and large tench, catfish, rudd and an 'impossible' crucian join Bernard and Martin as they bask in the sun.
Watch the films, read the book, live the dream and enjoy
Book also available... visit book section of catalogue. For further details visit